Sunday, June 04, 2006

Glueing up the Carcase

The first milestone came when it was time to glue up the cabinet carcase. I discovered two oversights and determined a way to correct one. My middle wall had a 1/4 " gap between it and the back panel. I corrected it by shoving a scrap 1/4" poplar piece in the gap. It will be hidden behind my drawer boxes (for the most part).

The second oversight is that my frame and panel side walls are set lower than I planned for. This leaves a gap on each side. One will be hidden behind a drawer box. However, the other will be visible inside the cabinet door side. I'll figure out a way to fix it later.

The rest of the glue up went smoothly. I experienced the typical frustration, where glue is dripping all over my project and hands. Luckily, I can sand and paint everything, so I'm not real concerned. Cool. And now I've got a carcase for the drawers and door.

Next, I'll build the drawers and hope I can obtain some drawer glides that fit and have places for screws that happen to line up with my panel frames...yeah, right. Was I suppsed to plan for this? Yikes.


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Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.