Sunday, June 18, 2006

Adding the Drawer Faces

Here's a cool trick my dad taught me (...well it is Father's Day). How on earth do you attach the drawer faces to the drawer boxes and leave a perfect 1/16" space between each drawer front and the cabinet carcase? Easy, stick a couple nickels under the drawer face, put some double-sided tape on the front of the drawer box, and voila...just push the face against the drawer box on top of the nickels. The tape keeps the face in place as you pull the drawer out to drill the two together. Since nickels happen to be exactly 1/16" thick, you've got yourself the perfect spacer.

I would like to say it was a piece of cake, but unfortunately my vertical cabinet sides are not exactly vertical. So I had a lot of fine tuning to do as I cut the drawer faces. Nevertheless, the nickel trick helped tremendously.